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care for

  • 1 to care

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > to care

  • 2 fit

    1. स्वस्थ
    He keeps himself fit by regular excercises.
    2. उपयुक्त
    This water is fit for drinking.
    He is a fit person for this work.
    3. उचित
    It is fit and proper that one should care for the elders.
    1. दौरा
    She gets epileptic fits.
    He gets frequent fits due to epilepsy.
    He gets fits of coughing frequently.
    He broke the crockery in a fit of anger.
    2. आवेश
    In a fit of anger he slapped his friend.
    3. नाप\fitका
    I find that this coat is a good fit.
    1. समाना
    Only four persons can fit in this car.
    2. सही\fitबैठना
    This peg is a tight fit on this hole.
    This clause does not fit in this agreement.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fit

  • 3 airily

    1. बेपरवाही\airilyसे
    He said airily that he doesn't care for anybody.

    English-Hindi dictionary > airily

  • 4 filial

    1. बेटा[बेटी]\filialसंबंधी
    Care for parents is a filial responsibility.

    English-Hindi dictionary > filial

  • 5 flotsam and jetsam

    1. निराश्रय और निर्धन लोग
    Many social organisations care for floatsam and jetsam of the society.
    2. व्यर्थ की वस्तुएँ
    The attic in his house is full of flotsam and jetsam discarded over the years.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flotsam and jetsam

  • 6 predatory

    1. लूटेरा
    Being predatory, ram doesn't care for others loss.

    English-Hindi dictionary > predatory

  • 7 tsarina

    1. रूस\tsarinaकी\tsarinaरानी
    The tsar and the tsarina did not care for the welfare of their subjects.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tsarina

  • 8 well being

    1. तंदुरुस्ती
    Parents care for children's well being.

    English-Hindi dictionary > well being

  • 9 not give a fig

    not care/give a fig
    1. परवाह\not give a figन\not give a figकरना
    He does not care a fig for opinion of his parents.

    English-Hindi dictionary > not give a fig

  • 10 fissile

    1. आण्विक\fissileसामग्री
    Care should be taken for disposal of used fissile material from the neuclear reactors.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fissile

  • 11 nanny

    1. आया
    I have hired a nanny for my child.
    The nanny took care of the children.

    English-Hindi dictionary > nanny

  • 12 postoperative

    1. शल्यचिकित्सा के बाद
    Good postoperative care is very much essential for a patient.

    English-Hindi dictionary > postoperative

  • 13 sexton

    1. गिरज़ादार
    Sexton is responsible for the proper care of the church.

    English-Hindi dictionary > sexton

См. также в других словарях:

  • care for — feel affection or liking. → care care for look after and provide for the needs of. → care …   English new terms dictionary

  • care for — index attend (take care of), cover (guard), foster, harbor, hold (possess), keep ( …   Law dictionary

  • care for — verb 1. have a liking, fondness, or taste (for) (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: ↑like • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s VERB ing 2. be fond of; be attached to …   Useful english dictionary

  • care for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms care for : present tense I/you/we/they care for he/she/it cares for present participle caring for past tense cared for past participle cared for 1) care for someone to love someone, especially in a way that is …   English dictionary

  • care for — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To look after] Syn. provide for, attend to, nurse; see guard 2 , raise 2 , support 5 . 2. [To like] Syn. be fond of, hold dear, prize; see cherish 1 , like 1 , 2 , love 1 . 3. [To want] Syn. deSire, yearn for, wish for, have …   English dictionary for students

  • care for — 1) he cares for his children Syn: love, be fond of, be devoted to, treasure, adore, dote on, think the world of, worship, idolize 2) would you care for a cup of coffee? Syn: like, want, desire …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • CARE FOR — (Roget s Thesaurus II) Index care for noun care, food verb bring up, dress, grow, nurse, serve, support, tend2, neglect …   English dictionary for students

  • care for — verb a) To attend to the needs of, especially in the manner of a nurse or personal aide. I cared for my ailing mother for five years. b) To like or appreciate; to consider to be appealing, tasteful …   Wiktionary

  • ˈcare for sb — phrasal verb 1) to love someone He really cared for her.[/ex] 2) to do the necessary things for someone who needs help or protection Syn: look after Teach your children how to care for their pets.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • care for — watch over, tend to want, wish for, would like (e.g: Would you care for a drink? ) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • care for — phr verb Care for is used with these nouns as the object: ↑baby, ↑relative, ↑sick …   Collocations dictionary

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